Night Owl 14
Night Owl (NOPV-14)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO
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File List
624 lines
2TO1.ZIP [0] 2TO1 version 1.4 compiled 6/22/94.
| This program converts a typical
| Wildcat! 2-line format file listing
| to a single line format, for use with
| the FILE HUNTER door or other appli-
| cations where a single-line listing
| would be desirable.
ACTM_0A.ZIP [0] WCX applet to archive activity logs WC
ADIOSMF.ZIP [0] ADIOSMF (Goodbye, my friend) WCCODE for WC4
AFLC20.ZIP [0] Allfiles List Creator v2.0 for WC4.x
ALLB100.ZIP [0] AllBull Ver 1.00 For Wildcat! 4.XX
| WCCode Program to list ALL new
| bulletins to users (in all conferences)
| 1994 JeRKware WCCode Program
| Support BBS:
| Virtual Visions (909)899-3434
AN.ZIP [0] Anniverary V1.0 By Scott Crosier WcCode WC4
ARTGAL.ZIP [0] Art Gallery program made with WCode 4.00.
ATTACHE.ZIP [0] ATTACHE ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat!
| version 4.x only. This program reports
| on all messages with files attached to
| them. Wildcat! version 3 users should
| locate ATTACHE3.ZIP.
AUTODWN.ZIP [0] WC4.00 wcCODE lets the user download
BANKER11.ZIP [0] Time Banker 1.1 for Wildcat! 4.00 wcCODE
BBSB10.ZIP [0] BBSBUDDY v1.00 - For Wildcat Version 4.0
BDAYMSG1.ZIP [0] wcCode app for WC!4.00 to post msg to User
BDOOR31M.ZIP [0] BDoor Multiline 3.1 - A Wildcat 3.X and 4.X
| compatible Door manager. Generates a
| Wilcat DOORS.BBS and DOORS.RIP screens
| with various door information. RIP screens
| are 100% RIP compatible with mouse support.
| From Beakware Software.
BESTCBV4.ZIP [0] THE BEST CALLback Verifier 4.00 ONLY $5
BICALL1C.ZIP [0] BLUECODE v1.3c A LOCAL CallBack Verifier!
| Very easy to set up...configurable level to
| upgrade your new user..gives extra 30
| minutes on first call if they are verified..
| FREEWARE....By Bob Bratcher..using sample
| wcx code by varius programers
CALCAT.ZIP [0] CalCat! v5.4 Screen Rotator for Wildcat 4.0
CATCOLOR.ZIP [0] CATCOLOR version 1.60 Displays Wildcat!
| files as they will look on your system.
| The program accepts DOS Wildcards on the
| command line, and will display all
| matching files, showing display colors
| and simulating system or user variables.
| For Version 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
CDROMDOC.ZIP [0] CDROM 1.1 by Dan Creagan. Textfile
CHKFLE13.ZIP [0] wcCODE-Import FILE_ID.DIZ's from files
CIDLG10.ZIP [0] Caller ID Logon version 1.0, 09-01-94.
| Wildcat! 3.x utility that compares caller ID
| information against the user database, and
| automatically logs on users. Requires
| MultiDoor and Stackey.
| -AV by author, Affordable Computer Services.
| Shareware, $5 registration.
CIMEX.ZIP [0] CIMEX version 1.22, utility for Wildcat!
| exports and imports CONFERENCE
| description names to CONFDESC.DAT.
| For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
| CONFINFO will detect the caller's
| current joined conference and display
| an informational screen about the
| conference created by you. Display
| conference rules, topic info, or
| any text you wish the caller to
| know about the conference he or she
| has joined.
COINFLIP.ZIP [0] Allows user to GAMBLE thier BBS CREDITS!
COM2SYS.ZIP [0] Comment To Sysop. Define multiple Sysops
COMNT100.ZIP [0] Forces 'Comments to Sysop' into the
| conference you choose and returns
| the caller to their original conf.
| This wcCODE application should show
| you how easy it is to write in wcCODE.
| This one is only 5 lines of code.
| The source code is included and ZIP
| file may be distributed freely as
| long as the original ZIP file is
| not modified.
COMTOSYS.ZIP [0] Comment to SysOp wcCode app v 1.1
| SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
| will make a listing of all your conferences.
| Showing the Conference number, name and
| message path. Option to print to either the
| screen or file.
| R.J. Chalupka
CPM11.ZIP [0] Cusomized Paging Module Version 1.1
| Three lines of text for users to
| share their reason for paging.
| Cancel option available to users
| who change their minds.
| $5 registration fee gets you the
| source code.
CTNEWS42.ZIP [0] ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ CATNEWS! v4.2 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsltr Maker ║
| ║ in RIP/ANSI *INFO*. Has Built-in Editor, ║
| ║ This Utility creates a cool "vga looking" ║
| ║ Wildcat! Newsletter for your Users. ║
| ║ Shareware only $15.00 US by William Mantz ║
| ║ Maddog Productions ■ New Features ■ ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
DATAV50.ZIP [0] ╓─ ─╖ Version 5.0
| ╓──╢ ╓──╖ ╫ ╓──╖ ╖ ╓ ╖ ╓──╖ ╖ ╓──
| ║ ║ ╓──╢ ║ ╓──╢ ║ ║ ║ ╟──╜ ║ ║
| ╙──╜ ╙──╜ ╙ ╙──╜ ╙──╜ ╙ ╙──╜ ╙─╨─╜
| ─═══════════════════════════════════─
| The MOST ADVANCED archive viewer for
| WildCat! 4.xx BBS systems! Supports
| standard and digiboard ports. Views
| UC2, MOD and many other files. Allows
| text reading, text searching, virus
| scanning, integrity scan, internal
| archive viewing, downloading, & MORE!
| ─═══════════════════════════════════─
| -- FOR WILDCAT 4.x ONLY!! --
DIZZY.ZIP [0] DIZZY removes graphics characters from
| FILE_ID.DIZ. If an archive file is
| named on the command line, DIZZY will
| extract the file, rebuild it, and
| replace it in the archive. If you
| specify a .DIZ file on the command
| line, DIZZY will rebuild it and
| leave it in the current directory.
| Version 1.4 works with PKZIP/PKUNZIP,
DOORCOST.ZIP [0] WC4 door DoorCost v1.10 asks user to pay $
DOORMENU.ZIP [0] Wcx Door Menu Program to run Doors & WCX
DROPDOS.ZIP [0] Ask for another password before dropping
DSYSFIX1.ZIP [0] A utility to squish line 23 of Door.Sys
DUPEFILE.ZIP [0] DUPEFILE, version 1.20 for Wildcat!
| works with WC 4.x and 3.x databases.
| Searches your ALLFILES database for
| duplicate or similar filenames, and
| generates a report.
DUPEUSER.ZIP [0] DUPEUSER, version 1.20 for Wildcat!
| SysOp Util scans WC 4.x or 3.x user
| file (ALLUSERS.DAT) and generates a
| report of duplicate passwords, voice
| or data phone numbers.
EDITH4.ZIP [0] EDITH 4.0 Remote File Search Via E-Mail
EREQ20.ZIP [0] ECHO REQUESTER 2.0 - A wcCode Application
| for WC 4.0! This program will allow your
| users to view an echo list and request echos
| that interest them! No more unwanted echos!
| The Requester will post a message to the
| Sysop with the AreaTag and the requestor's
| name! Configurable conference availalility.
| Currently FREEWARE!! Multi Network Support!
| wcCode Echo Requester Wildcat 4.0
| by Kevin Erickson v2.0 08/16/94
FFDWCXTD.ZIP [0] ForceFeed WCX Test Drive. Make your users
| download your app and then upgrade them!
FILEHUNT.ZIP [0] FILEHUNT, version 4.00 for Wildcat!
| DOOR program lets users search through
| file lists from other BBSes.
| For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
| SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
| will make a listing of all your file areas.
| Shows the file area number, name and path.
| Option to print to screen or file.
| R.J. Chalupka
| SYSOP utility for WC4.x wcCODE program that
| will make a listing of all your file areas.
| Shows the file area number, name and path.
| Option to print to screen or file. Will
| create a Frontdoor compatible "List.txt" for
| file requests (saves a lot of time).
| R.J. Chalupka
FILESBBS.ZIP [0] FILESBBS version 1.12 makes FILES.BBS
| lists from Wildcat! 4.x and 3.x data,
| for use with d'Bridge and other FIDO
| tossers.
| For Versions 3.x thru 4.x of Wildcat!
FILESTUF.ZIP [0] Stuffs selected files into the WC file
FIMEX.ZIP [0] FIMEX version 1.21, utility for Wildcat!
| exports and imports FILE AREA
| description names to FILEAREA.DAT.
| For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
FINDUSER.ZIP [0] FINDUSER ver. 1.00, util for Wildcat! 4.0.
| Tag any combination of text fields in your
| user records and search for a matching
| string. Name, Alias, Address, phones,
| and all other text fields are available.
FINIS10.ZIP [0] Finis! Ver 1.0 Goodbye Option Replacement!
| Instead of just letting your users log off
| this little program gives them the option
| of Paging the Sysop with the Customized
| Paging Module, Leaving a Comment to the
| Sysop, Returning to the BBS or confirming
| the log off. It is sensitive to your help
| level and will display your conference
| goodbye.scr,bbs,rip screen automatically!
FIXAUSER.ZIP [0] FixAllUser v1.0 beautifies the Wildcat!
FORCE11.ZIP [0] WCCODE to force file upon an initial logon
FORCE20.ZIP [0] FORCE new users to download your file!
| Registration gives you the ability to force
| ANY security level to download a specific
| file, force any single individual to
| download the file of your choice and to
| force ALL of your users to download the
| file of your choice. No download, no
| access to the bbs! Have fun. $15
FORSALE.ZIP [0] Let users add things to the for sale (WC4)
FPRO401.ZIP [0] FILEPRO! 4.0 Wildcat! 4.0 File
| Database Utility. Allows Sysops
| To Easily Maintain their Wildcat!
| File Databases. Very Quick and
| lots of Bells and whistles!
FSL8R112.ZIP [0] File Scan Later ver 1.12 File Upload Scan
GAMBLE.ZIP [0] Let users gamble with their time. 100%RIP
GETFIL41.ZIP [0] GETFILE 4.0 Allows Your BBS To Act As A
| Remote File Server. E-Mail Sent To Your
| System Will Generate An Automated Reply
| Containing The Requested File As A Message
| Attachment. Supports Requests For HELP
| And FILES. Tracks Useage With Log File.
| REGISTERED Version Offers PUTFILE Functions
| For Remote Uploading To The Wildcat File
| Database. AUTO_RESPONSE Capabilities.
| Thoroughly Tested. Easy Setup.
GOODV13.ZIP [0] DAMN Good! Ver 1.2 Goodbye Option Replacement
| Instead of just letting your users log off
| this little program gives them the option
| of Paging the Sysop with the Customized
| Paging Module, Leaving a Comment to the
| Sysop, Returning to the BBS or confirming
| the log off. It is sensitive to your help
| level and will display your conference
| goodbye.scr,bbs,rip screen automatically
| With BBS List, and New CFG
HBBS440.ZIP [0] HoliBBS v4.40 - Holiday countdown reminder
HMAIL100.ZIP [0] HyperMail! v1.00, the affordable mail tosser.
| HyperMail! offers an incredible suite of
| features while maintaining a low cost.
| HyperMail! boasts a MakeWild-like config
| program, fast tossing speeds, and an
| integrated AreaManager.
| Released 10-05-94. For WildCat! v4.x.
| An InterProgramming Product - 1:301/3
HOLIDAYS.ZIP [0] HOLISCRN.ZIP holiday screens for Calcat
HOWPRMPT.ZIP [0] Text describing making WC4x prompt files
| is a version of INMSG for Systems with a UUCP
| account. Personal ADDRESS BOOKS for All your
| users! Properly sends messages to Internet
| Addresses in you Internet conference. wcCode
| Application is fast and easy to use. Works
| with Wildcat 4.0 ONLY!!! Addresses can be
| written to from your address book.
| Kevin Erickson version 1.0 09/26/94
INFO10.ZIP [0] The Information Center v1.0
| By Arti Software Allows your users view
| existing text files for online viewing .
JFSCALL.ZIP [0] JFSCALL.WCX! A Callback Verifier for (WC4)
JKPT_20.ZIP [0] WcJackpot 2.0 - wcCODE freeware "lottery"
KN390_4.ZIP [0] KATNEWS v3.90 -> v4.00 (PATCH)
LISTER11.ZIP [0] User/Alias Lister 1.1 for Wildcat! 4 wcCODE
| program that allows the SysOp to list their
| users Real Name - Alias Name - Sec Level. It
| can replace the standard builtin [U]ser List
| function if desired, and works in a similar
| fashion. It allows the SysOp to easily view
| which user has what Alias, without having to
| do a tedious search in the user database!
LISTSERV.ZIP [0] Listserv v2.00 - lets you multiple Internet
| mailing lists from your Wildcat v4.x BBS.
| FREE wcCODE program!
| Added the following:
| -2.00: Support for multiple mailing lists
| -2.00: Custom messages for each maling list
| -2.00: Messages with SUB/UNSUB as the
| subject are now valid sub/unsub
| requests
| -2.00: Listutil has been enhanced to support
| the new multiple-list version
| -2.00: Listserv will change back to the
| original conference it was launched
| from
| -1.06: Messages with a subject conatining
| UNDELIVERABLE are now skipped.
| -1.06: Fixed a bug with subscription
| requests.
| -1.05: Changed the FROM field back to the
| name of the mailing list. This makes
| it easier to send replies back out
| on the list.
| -1.05: Messages with a subject of SUB/UNSUB
| or a blank subject are no longer
| sent out on the list. Now a custom
| message is sent back on invalid
| sub/unsub requests.
| -1.04: Fixed the bug where wcGATE was not
| exporting messages.
| -1.03: Fixed a bug that was causing messages
| to be saved as public rather than
| private.
| -1.03: Added support for sysop configurable
| add/drop request messages.
| -1.03: Added a sysop utility menu .WCX
| file. Lets you add/drop/list
| subscribers.
LKCALL.ZIP [0] LKCALL1.1a :) - a freeware callback verifer
| source code. Supports area code masking,
| configurable upgrade, welcome message,
| audit trail, and sysop notification. Write
| dan.creagan@laka.com with your improvements,
| or call the WBC BBS at 316-788-9392.
LOADCAT.ZIP [0] A simple batch file for senile
| SysOps who inadvertently load
| their CATx.BAT files on top of
| each other under DV!
LOCALLY.ZIP [0] Call back verifier in WCCODE for WC4.00.
LOGMAN14.ZIP [0] Logoff Mania! v1.4 (RSINC Software; $5)
| Offers a variety of choices to callers
| when the chose the Goodbye option from
| any menu. Includes a Lucky Lottery
| game to win time, comment to the Sysop,
| and write on The Billboard. Written
| using wcCode and is for WC4.X only.
LOGOFF.ZIP [0] Logoff! is the best wcCode Logoff Util
| made. PERIOD! Try it Today. Replaces
| the Wildcat! standard logoff with 5
| options: Normal Logoff, Comment to
| SysOp, Page SysOp, Quick Logoff or
| Return To BBS. Logoff! has FULL
| TRUE RIP, ANSI, and ASCII support.
| After your caller selects an option,
| Logoff! will display your goodbye
| screen in .bbs, .scr or .rip
| depending on the emulation of your
| current caller.
LOGON.ZIP [0] LOGON.WCX for Wildcat 4.00
LOGONBAT.ZIP [0] BAT runner for LOGON.wcx
| will run a LOGON1.bat from
| a wc40\batch directory.
| plus some neat features.
LOGONBR.ZIP [0] This is a logon script that I use on my WC4
LOGONS.ZIP [0] LOGON1.WCC - Standard Logon -
LOGTRIMR.ZIP [0] LOGTRIM Wildcat! v4.0 Activity Log
MAILBOT4.ZIP [0] MAILBOT 4.0 Unattended Mail Server
MAILLOG.ZIP [0] MAILLOG is a Wildcat 4 WCCODE example
| that allows you to post a file to the
| sysop as a message in a specified
| conference. This code should probably be
| modified to suit YOUR needs since I have
| left it in very raw (but functional!)
| form. I use it to post my activity logs
| daily as a message. I removed the code
| from MAILLOG.WCC that deletes the files
| after mailing just in case you tried it
| without reading this <G>.
MCOMMENT.ZIP [0] Multi Comment 1.0 Comment Option (WC40)
PAGER13.ZIP [0] Custom SysOp Pager 1.3 for Wildcat! 4
PDOOR10.ZIP [0] PDOOR.WCX is a multi-feature prescan door
PICKNUM.ZIP [0] Allows user to GAMBLE thier BBS CREDITS!
PISSS.ZIP [0] Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow..
PMSTR400.ZIP [0] PostMaster v4.0 - Command line message
| utility for WC! 4.x. Extremely popular
| utility for posting text files as messages
| from the command line. Very useful for
| posting logs as messages, first time caller
| greetings, questionaire results + much more.
| Shareware - $25. No key req for evaluation!
PPAGE.ZIP [0] Priority Page: By Nick Warzin. For Wc4.0
PPWARE_1.ZIP [0] Comment is a FREE wcCODE program. wc4.00.
PPWARE_2.ZIP [0] ░░▒▒▓▓████NO2400.WCX████▓▓▒▒░░
| This little WCCode program will
| stop callers below 2400 Baud from
| getting to your File menu while
| allowing local log-ins the ability.
| PPWare, Making BBS'ing SysOP Friendly!
PPWARE_3.ZIP [0] TWIT.WCX A WCCode prog. wc4.00
PPWARE_4.ZIP [0] CompDept is a WCX that displays a rude Cmt.
PREV400.ZIP [0] Previous 1.1b A WcCode v4.00 Program.
PRIMTIME.ZIP [0] PrimeTime module blocks certain seclevels
PRLGWCX.ZIP [0] WC! 4.01 Prelog.wcx 4 DOOM lovers!
PRSCAN4A.ZIP [0] Prescan for Wildcat! version 4.0 ,
| Prescan v4.0a will allow your users
| to have thier wcMail packets prescanned
| for them. Your users will love it!
| It's a great time saver for them!
| For Version 4.x of Wildcat!.
| Prescan is a wcCode Application
| *Shareware $15.00*
PUNCH11.ZIP [0] PUNCH Version 1.1. Used within FILESTUF.
QUESNEW2.ZIP [0] new and improved new user questionaire.
Q_DTB110.ZIP [0] Quick and dirty time bank in wcCODE
RDPAGER1.ZIP [0] Sysop Page Replacement
| wcCODE version of Sysop Page ver 1.0
| Gives 2 line for Reason to talk to
| Sysop for page.
| NO Advertizement Crap!
| <*freewarez*>
| For Wildcat! version 4.x ONLY.
RUDEPAGE.ZIP [0] RudePage! for WC! 4.00 From Illusions BBS
RUN_WCX1.ZIP [0] RUN-WCX 1.0. Test .Wcx files
RUSSROUL.ZIP [0] Russian Roulette: By Nick Warzin. For Wc4
SALBUL10.ZIP [0] SaleBull is a wcCODE Door for Wildcat! v4.x
| It is a Door that will allow the sysop to
| define a bulletin of his/her own choosing,
| that users can add "FOR SALE" items to.
| Colorful display of finished bulletin! Users
| can either view the finished BULLx.BBS from
| Wildcat!s Main Menu, or view it from within
| the Door itself. Copyright 1994 WasteLands
| Software, Jeff Wayne author
SECNEW.ZIP [0] This is a Security Checker for NewUsers
| that will Make them Read and Answer to
| your Membership Agreement or BBS Rules
| or log them off your BBS.
SECRET11.ZIP [0] The Secretary - Version 1.1
| Excellent Wildcat 4.x Call-Back
| verifier written in wcCODE.
| Features:
| - Sysop definable upgrade security level
| - Tone or pulse dialing
| - Very fast and easy to set up!
| - Sysop definable toll-call verifications
| Let your Secretary do the work for you!
SECSORT.ZIP [0] SECSORT, version 0.51ßeta for Wildcat!
| version 4. Does a manual or automatic
| re-sort of the security levels in your
| For Wildcat! version 4.x ONLY!!
SPAGE201.ZIP [0] Super Pager 2.01 ! WCX Page replacement.
SPM_SHAR.ZIP [0] A *GREAT* new idea in Sysop Paging. WC4.x
ST3_41A.ZIP [0] StormTape ]I[
SUPRSCAN.ZIP [0] SUPRSCAN, version 4.00 for Wildcat!
| DOOR program lets users search through
| a variety of BBS Lists
| For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
SYPAGE11.ZIP [0] SYSOP PAGE v1.1 wcCODE for Wildcat! v4.
| Inserts a reason before [P]aging the SysOp
| command in Wildcat!. Writes to activity
| log and will not leave empty reasons.
| Written by DreddWare Doors & Jamie Lee.
| Sets the callers "Last Conference" to any
| conference you pick. Runs as part of the
| POSTCALL.WCX Easy to install and use.
| Sample POSTCALL.WCX included. Extremely
| fast.
TABSCAT.ZIP [0] Tabscat! v1.4 for Wildcat 4.00 From Pagoda
TABSWC40.ZIP [0] TABSWC40 is a WCCODE application for use
| with the TABS 900 b4illing service and
| Wilcat! 4.x. FULLY confgurable for any
| system. Users can upgrade thier own
| access! Includes functions for adding
| new subcription IDs and inquiring about
| the number of IDs left. Only $5
| regisration. by Sean Martin
TDOOR50.ZIP [0] Time Door-Time/Byte/Download Banking (WC4)
TGLNRWCX.ZIP [0] TagLiner v1.0 For Wildcat! 4.x only! NEW
| wcCODE Door to let users add a TagLine to
| your QUOTES.BBS File. SysOp definable TAG
| text, header/footer colors via the CFG
| file. Very colorful output with very nice
| header/footer display! (C)1994 WasteLands
| Software, Jeff Wayne author. Registration
| only $10.00! Just another ByProduct of
| The WasteLands
THEPAGE.ZIP [0] THEPAGE v1.00 for Wildcat 4.00.
TICTAC13.ZIP [0] TICTAC.WCX v1.3 Process TICs (Planet Earth)
TOASTY10.ZIP [0] Toasty v1.00 - simple TIC announcer for
| Wildcat v3.x and v4.x.
| Toasty is a simple TIC-announcer for
| for Wildcat BBS. Options include message
| upload to your BBS via Tomcat or wcMail,
| text output, and bullx/hellox .bbs output.
| Freeware.
TSCN507.ZIP [0] TranScan 5.07 -- Update patch.
| This file contains an update patch to
| update any TranScan v5.05 - 5.06 to
| v5.06. This patch MAY be distributed
| on BBSs. TranScan v5+ is a commercial
| program available for $35 from
| Shareware Services. Call 1-800-578-3061
| or 913-232-5584. MC & Visa accepted.
TSLOT11.ZIP [0] Time Slots! A wc4.00 application
UGRADE.ZIP [0] UGRADE - a WC4.0 WcCode application
| that asks new users about themselves
| and sends a message to the sysop.
| It also upgrades their security level!!
| Another fine program from:
| Greenhills Software (708) 731-1017 [BBS]
USERLIST.ZIP [0] [U]ser List Replacement. for Wildcat 4.0
USERPAGE.ZIP [0] Replacement program fro Page Other users for
| WHOSON alias replacement of Who's Online.
| <FREEWARE> From Brian's World BBS
USRQUO15.ZIP [0] User Quote v1.5
| A .WCX program that will allow members of
| your WILDCAT! v4.0 BBS to add their own
| Quote of the day to your QUOTES.BBS display
| file.
| Advertise your BBS on your own BBS. Great
| for those users that like to comment about
| your system. Even includes automatic user
| signature and sysop-only configuration menu!
| Boost subscriptions/donations.
| Fully operational......Not Crippleware!!!
| No expiration
| v1.5 EXTRA'S ADDED...SysOp's can now customiz
| screens!
VERIFY10.ZIP [0] VERIFY.WCX 1.00 - Simple user verification
WC40TABS.ZIP [0] WildTabs! for WC! 4.00....update!
WC40WALL.ZIP [0] WildWall! for WC! 4.00 updated! FREE!!
WC4CCS10.ZIP [0] WCCode for Credit Card
WC4PAGER.ZIP [0] wc4PAGER v1.2 For Wildcat 4.x
| wcCODE program that adds life
| to your [P] - Page Sysop
| command.
| Asks caller for a reason why
| paging sysop, allows for
| logging off BBS if page is
| not answered.
| >> Will show your BBS's name
| instead of advertising some
| one else's BBS. <<
WC4ROBO.ZIP [0] ROBOCOMM Utility converts Wildcat 4.x
| File Listings into Wildcat 3.x Format
| so they can be imported into the
| ROBOCOMM datbase correctly. Allows
| new file scans "on-the-fly" like the
| 'N' command used to do.
WCARCHIE.ZIP [0] wcARCHIE 4.0 Remote File Searcher
WCCALL.ZIP [0] wcCall ver 1.1 is a wccode callback
WCEDT200.ZIP [0] Offline mail reader/User editor for WC4.x
WCFTP11B.ZIP [0] FTP via E-Mail, Auto response message,
WCNEWC12.ZIP [0] WC New User Call Back Verifier for WC
WCPAGE.ZIP [0] WCPage! A SUPER pager for WC! v4.00
WCPAGE01.ZIP [0] wcPAGE with Guns and Roses Melody!
WCPAGE1.ZIP [0] PAGE.WCX v1.0 wcCode app for WC!4. A
| replacement for the [P]age SysOp command in
| WC!4. Written by Dennis Maidon and PAROLE
| Software. Currently FREE!
WCPCB06.ZIP [0] PCBoard Look alike menu system for Wildcat
WCPOST.ZIP [0] wcPOST v1.01, the Auto-Message
| posting wcCODE utility for all
| Wildcat! v4.0x SysOp's. There
| are two different programs in
| one. One can be run from a
| Menu operated system, the other
| may be run as an event. A must
| have for keeping up with the BBS
| activities! *** FREEWARE ***
| Source code included!
WCQQ10.ZIP [0] wcQQ v1.0 - Wildcat Quick Quotes
WCTABS1A.ZIP [0] wcTabs for Wildcat! version 4.0 ,
| wcTabs v1.0b will allow your users
| to upgrade thier status on your bbs
| using thier TABS Subscription id.
| This application works on both
| the $10.00 and $25.00 id's.
| Wildcat sysops will love it.
| For Version 4.x of Wildcat!.
| wcTabs is a wcCode Application
| Now adds expire dates!
| *Shareware $10.00*
WCTIC10.ZIP [0] Wildcat V3.x & V4.x TIC Processor Program
WCVFY.ZIP [0] wcVFY v1.01, a wcCODE Call-Back Verifier.
WCXMENU.ZIP [0] Run/Chain/Edit wcCode modules for Wildcat
WCXPAGE.ZIP [0] Prompt for reason to page sysop.
WC_PAGE.ZIP [0] WC!PAGE - great alternative for Wildcat 4.0
WHO210.ZIP [0] WHO2, the on the fly Who Called Today
| Very Configurable!
WHOCALL1.ZIP [0] WHOCALL is a Wildcat 4 WCC program to
| create a bulletin (or other display
| file) of today's callers. It should be
| called from POSTCALL.WCX. WHOCALL makes
| an entry into the bulletin each time a
| caller logs off. It list's the caller's
| name, where s/he's from, the time of the
| call, the length of the call, the baud
| rate, and the total number of messages
| the caller has left on your system.
| Currently, all nodes are combined into a
| single bulletin. The bulletin (or
| display) is reset when the first caller
| after midnight logs off.
WHOISON.ZIP [0] Replacement for Whos online. Wildcat 4.0
WILDBDAY.ZIP [0] WILD BIRTHDAY'S v1.0 Generate a birthday
WILDNEW.ZIP [0] NEW WILD USER'S v1.0 Generate a New User
WLDNEW12.ZIP [0] WildNews v1.2 - WC 3.x Newsletter generator.
| Generates a NEWSLTR.BBS with the "green bar"
| look. Adds a title with date and time of
| the entry. **FREEWARE**
| Call the authors BBS for the latest versions.
| Rob Williams, WCS Software 1994 v1.2
WLDSALE.ZIP [0] WildSale! for WC! 4.01 ONLY!!
WLDWALL.ZIP [0] WildWall! for WC 4.00 message to next user
WLIST403.ZIP [0] Wildlist 4.03 Release Version for WC!4.x
WLWALL.ZIP [0] WildWall! for WC! 4.01 ONLY!!
WT_ND01.ZIP [0] WILDTIME - News Door v1.00 Public beta
WWBDAY.ZIP [0] wwBirthday 1.0 makes RIP/ANSI of birthdays
WWNUSER.ZIP [0] wwNewuser 1.0 Sysop informed of all Newuser
WWVERIFY.ZIP [0] wwVerify is a wcCODE call back verifier for
| Wildcat! 4.xx. It is loaded with features
| and is very configurable. Can run as part
| of the logon process or as a menu selection.
| Can block long distance completely or by
| time of day. Developed by Wildware!
ZPLOG40.ZIP [0] ZipLog! for WC! 4.00...